Event Information
Presenter(s): Jacob Morgan (Norwayne)
Category: Professional Development
Target Audience : Teachers
Start Date: 8/6/2024
End Date: 8/6/2024
Registration Deadline: 8/6/2024 6:00:00 AM
Time of Offering: 9:00:00 AM - 10:00:00 AM
Location: via Zoom
Attendees: (13 / 35) Seats Filled (Click here to view attendees that have signed up for this event.)
Class Name: Creating Your Own AI Toolbox
Class Description:

Welcoming a local teacher using AI in the classroom, come learn what
different AI education sites can help benefit your time-management, and
progress student learning.

This class can be used for contact hours. The option for a certificate
of participation is available or combine 15 hours of classes to earn a
graduate credit. Graduate credit is available through Ashland University
with a fee of $200. Registration for credit will be available online
after meeting the requirements. Questions? Call 330-264-6047


Attachment: No Attachment

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*Notice: You must have a TCCSA DASL/Progressbook username to signup for events. If you need a username please request one from your Technology Coordinator.